Transport & Trade

International Trade Law

International trade in products and services is a dynamic and complex area, not least because of the application of different legal systems worldwide. What is the impact of Brexit? What bilateral or multilateral agreements are in place? Be informed about the latest developments around the world and their impact on your business strategy.

Transport Law

Modes of transportation are diverse and often combined, each with its own complexities. Coreman has extensive experience within the transportation industry. We aim to use this experience to provide quality advice, creating solutions you can use. Whether it is about road, maritime, air or rail transportation or addressing insurance issues, Coreman uses its global network to follow the latest developments.

Air transportation

The Montreal Convention establishes airline liability. We can advise you on changing attitudes on the application of articles dealing with liability in the case of injury of passengers, delay and cargo payment. We will keep you informed of the latest (legal) developments.

Land transportation

Land transportation is one of the most important, pioneering and complex areas in the transportation business. The CMR and AVC (road transportation) as well as the COTIF-CIM (railway) provide a framework and direction, but not exclusively. National and European legislation also impact this mode of transportation. This can create extremely complex situations and even more complex legal aspects.

Maritime transportation
(and inland waterways)

Bills of lading and shipping documents: international regulations, such as the Hague-Visby Rules, Hamburg Rules and Rotterdam Rules, dictate how transportation of goods across the oceans takes place. These conventions govern the carrier’s responsibilities and focus on specifics such as seaworthiness and liability.

The CMNI (Budapest Convention) governs transportation of goods over inland waterways.


The import and export of goods are governed by (international) regulations and formal requirements such as permits, compliance, certificates and application of VAT-rates. When these requirements are not met, problems can arise that can impact the survival of your business. Brexit and the uncertainties regarding trade with the United Kingdom are also real challenges for businesses. Be prepared and let us advise you.

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